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Is coffee good for you? What the experts have to say.

Is coffee good for you? What the experts have to say.

Ashley Edmonds Ashley Edmonds
11 minute read

Is coffee good for you?


Due to the numerous health benefits of moderate coffee consumption, proven by research and the relatively small number of proven side-effects, all of which can be mitigated, it really does seem that coffee is good for you, both for your short-term and long-term health. Despite all its positive attributes, perhaps a notable concern not to be overlooked is its potential to disrupt sleep patterns as good quality sleep is the foundation of all good health. Personal caffeine tolerance, sensitivity and our coffee consumption routine greatly influence this so an informed, balanced approach is needed to fully appreciate the healthful aspects of this popular beverage. 


People consume coffee for various reasons, making it one of the most widely enjoyed beverages globally. We drink it to stay alert, for pure taste enjoyment, as a social lubricant as well as simply as an act of habit. But should we be taking a deeper look and consider the health benefits or perhaps side-effects of our brew? As a growing number of people become conscious of the impact diet and lifestyle have on their health, where does coffee come into all this and essentially, is coffee good for you?

As a small teaser to whet your appetite, see what coffee aficionado James Hoffmann has to say about the connection between coffee and sleep in a recent chat with Steven Bartlett. 

Curious for more? Watch the full video to get the complete picture by clicking here. Find the clip interesting? Take a deeper dive into the conversation here for extra context and valuable coffee insights.

So, what are some of the Health concerns? 

Caffeine Sensitivity:

Caffeine sensitivity varies among individuals, leading to symptoms like jitteriness, insomnia, or an increased heart rate. It's essential to be attuned to personal tolerance levels. Keeping a diary of coffee consumption and noting corresponding symptoms helps gauge individual caffeine thresholds. This personalised approach enables individuals to tailor their coffee habits, ensuring an enjoyable experience without the drawbacks of caffeine sensitivity. 

Sleep Disruption:

Consuming coffee, especially close to bedtime, compounds the challenges of sleep disruption, disrupting the intricate orchestration of the body's internal clock. Consistent irregular bedtimes throw off the synchronisation of the circadian rhythm, making it challenging to achieve restful sleep. This disruption doesn't just lead to morning grogginess; it compromises the depth and quality of sleep cycles, negatively impacting mood, cognitive function, and memory consolidation.

These days, keeping tabs on your sleep has become incredibly straightforward with the help of smart watches or even smart rings. If you're interested in refining your sleep routine, you could check out reputable brands such as OuraWHOOP, or consider using an Apple watch.

Dependency and Withdrawal:

Regular consumption can lead to caffeine dependency, and abrupt cessation may cause withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, irritability, and fatigue. Our advice? If this sounds like you, figure out the best way to slowly reduce your consumption until you feel that you are no longer dependent on coffee to partake in your day-to-day life. This might include drinking coffee less often, having smaller cups with less coffee and swapping some regular cups for de-caffeinated.

Digestive Issues:

Coffee in itself, is acidic and the caffeine and other compounds in coffee prompt the stomach to generate more stomach acid. This has the potential to cause discomfort for those with reflux or other pre-existing digestive issues including stomach ulcers and IBS leading to symptoms like heartburn, acid reflux, indigestion, loose stools and nausea. Opting for low-acid coffee bean varieties, roast level and brew methods, consuming coffee with food, and avoiding laying down for 2-3 hours after consumption (for reflux and nausea) can help mitigate the impact of coffee on gastrointestinal health. Understanding personal tolerance is key, as individual responses to coffee's stimulating effects vary.

Staining and Tooth Decay:

Coffee can stain teeth over time, and the acidity may contribute to enamel erosion. You might consider using a straw to overcome this, but make it reusable! Or alternatively, a simple bicarbonate of soda mouth rinse (you can easily make this at home) to wash away any lingering coffee-ness and neutralise the acidity in your mouth. Regular dental care and moderation can help mitigate these effects as well.

Is coffee good for you?

But what about the Health benefits? 

Enhanced Mental Alertness:

Caffeine, a natural stimulant abundant in coffee, enhances mental alertness by blocking adenosine, a neurotransmitter responsible for promoting sleep and relaxation. By inhibiting adenosine, caffeine promotes the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine, improving cognitive functions such as memory, mood, and overall mental acuity. This neurochemical cascade not only combats fatigue but also heightens concentration and reaction times. The result is a temporary yet potent boost in mental sharpness, making coffee a popular go-to for individuals seeking increased alertness and improved cognitive performance in various daily activities.

Physical Performance Boost:

Caffeine, a key component in coffee, elevates physical performance by triggering the release of adrenaline. This surge in adrenaline enhances various aspects of exercise, from increased endurance to heightened strength and overall improved performance. The mobilization of fatty acids from fat tissues also provides a valuable energy source during physical activity. By influencing the nervous system and facilitating the breakdown of body fat, coffee proves to be a reliable ally for those seeking a natural and effective boost in physical performance, making it a popular choice among athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike.

Rich in Antioxidants:

Coffee boasts an impressive antioxidant profile, containing compounds like chlorogenic acid and melanoidins. These antioxidants play a crucial role in neutralising free radicals, supporting overall health and potentially lowering the risk of chronic diseases. The anti-inflammatory properties associated with coffee's antioxidants contribute to its positive impact on various bodily functions. Embracing coffee as part of a balanced diet can offer not just the pleasure of a warm cup but also a natural source of health-promoting antioxidants, contributing to the body's defense against oxidative stress.

Lowered Risk of Certain Diseases:

Regular coffee consumption has been associated with a potential lowered risk of specific diseases. Studies indicate that coffee drinkers may experience a reduced risk of conditions like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and certain cancers. The abundance of bioactive compounds and antioxidants in coffee contributes to its protective effects on cellular health. While more research is needed to fully understand these associations, the evidence suggests that incorporating coffee into a balanced lifestyle may offer a protective element against the onset of certain diseases, making it a beverage with potential health benefits beyond its stimulating qualities.

Heart Health:

Moderate coffee consumption has shown a correlation with improved heart health. Research suggests that it may lower the risk of heart-related issues, including strokes and heart disease. The bioactive compounds in coffee, such as chlorogenic acid and antioxidants mentioned earlier, may play a role in promoting cardiovascular well-being. While individual responses can vary, incorporating coffee into a balanced lifestyle, coupled with other heart-healthy habits, may contribute to maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system. As with any dietary factor, moderation is key, and consulting with a healthcare professional is advisable for personalised advice on heart health.

Metabolic Boost:

Caffeine, a central component in coffee, stimulates the metabolic rate, potentially aiding in weight management and enhancing fat-burning mechanisms. By increasing the release of adrenaline, caffeine prompts the body to break down fat cells, releasing them into the bloodstream as a source of energy. This metabolic boost may contribute to improved weight-related outcomes. While coffee's influence on metabolism varies among individuals, its potential to support weight management has made it a subject of interest in the pursuit of effective and natural strategies for maintaining a healthy body weight.

Liver Health:

Regular coffee consumption has been associated with potential benefits for liver health, showing a link to a reduced risk of liver diseases like cirrhosis and liver cancer. The bioactive compounds and antioxidants found in coffee may contribute to these protective effects. While individual responses may vary, incorporating coffee into a balanced lifestyle could be a positive factor in promoting liver well-being and reducing the risk of certain liver-related conditions.

Type 2 Diabetes Prevention:

Research indicates that coffee consumption may lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, possibly due to its positive impact on insulin sensitivity. The bioactive compounds in coffee, such as chlorogenic acid, may play a role in this association. While more investigation is needed, the observed link between coffee and reduced risk of type 2 diabetes highlights the beverage's potential as a dietary factor in promoting metabolic health. But bear in mind, genetics, food consumption and lifestyle have a more profound impact on Type 2 diabetes than coffee.

Social and Psychological Benefits:

Beyond its stimulating qualities, coffee is intertwined with social interactions, fostering positive psychological effects. Sharing a cup can be a communal experience, promoting social bonding. Moreover, the ritual of enjoying coffee is associated with stress reduction and an enhanced sense of well-being. These social and psychological benefits make coffee not just a beverage but a comforting and uplifting aspect of daily life for many.


Observational studies propose a potential association between moderate coffee consumption and increased longevity, indicating a lower risk of premature death. The precise mechanisms behind this link remain under exploration, but coffee's rich array of bioactive compounds and antioxidants may contribute. These components have been linked to various health benefits, from promoting heart health to reducing the risk of certain diseases. While the relationship between coffee and longevity is complex and subject to individual variations, these findings hint at the intriguing possibility that coffee could play a role in supporting a longer and healthier life.

What do we mean by 'moderate consumption'?

You might have noticed the phrase 'moderate coffee consumption' come up a few times above. Now we realise that's a bit wishy-washy so let us elaborate......

According to Dietary Guidelines for Americans and published on Harvard online, a moderate amount of coffee is generally defined as 3-5 cups per day, equating to around 400mg of caffeine. This takes into account a single 8oz (~235ml) cup of coffee containing 95mg of caffeine. 

Why does Caffeine exist?  

Now, this blew our minds. 

Caffeine is a natural stimulant found in coffee, tea, and various other plants. Its presence in these plants serves a biological purpose. In plants, caffeine acts as a natural pesticide, able to paralyse and kill insects who chew on them. Through evolution, this acts to deter insects. It is also toxic to funghi and prevents germination of other plants near it. WILD.

In conclusion...

Despite how many of us around the world drink coffee on a regular basis, there are a few potential side-effects to bear in mind. The negative health impacts of coffee seem to predominantly arise from either the caffeine content or the acidity. The caffeine aspect of coffee can cause sleep disruption, temporary jitteriness and increased heart rate as well as longer term dependency. The acidity of coffee can compound digestive issues and have an affect on dental staining and enamel weakening. All these negative aspects of drinking coffee are dependent on the individual's personal caffeine and acid tolerance so vary from one person to another and can to a large extent be mitigated by choosing between different coffee bean varieties, brewing methods and the ways in which we drink our coffee. Further to this, coffee boasts numerous health benefits associated with moderate consumption including enhanced mental alertness, increased physical performance and lowered risk of certain diseases, with improved cardiovascular and liver health, increase in metabolic rate and longevity due to it's antioxidant and other natural chemical constituents. Not to mention the, social and phsychological benefits. So, whether coffee really is good for YOU or not, depends on YOU as an individual but on a broad basis, the research currently supports that coffee is indeed good for you. 

Well, what are you waiting for? Get brewing!

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